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Master AI Video Creation: Engage Audiences with Consistent Characters!


Hi there! Did you know you can now create consistent characters with AI video for free? You can even upscale these videos to 4K resolution right in the tool. Let's dive in and explore how to create unlimited AI videos together.

Here, I've been creating different scenes with an AI influencer. This helps keep the character consistent between shots. You can also use real people. I've created a scene inspired by Wes Anderson's style.

Creating Consistent Characters

We'll learn how to create consistent characters with AI video. We'll see how to animate them within the limits of the technology. We'll also look at creating different shot lengths with the same characters, from close-ups to wide shots. Finally, we'll learn how to upscale these to 4K and put all our shots together to tell a story.

Using Pix Verse

We'll be using a tool called Pix Verse. It lets you create consistent characters and is currently free. This tool also allows you to upscale videos to 4K resolution, a feature that usually costs a lot in other programs. And you can use it right now!

The Process

Creating consistent characters is simple. First, create or find a reference image for your character. Upload this image to the AI, and it will create a digital version of your character. Then, use prompts to define the type of video and setting you want, including your character. Finally, put these clips together using a traditional editing process.

Getting Started

If you're new here, my name is Samson, and we talk about AI and creativity. To start, go to Pix Verse and find the "Character" option in the navigation bar. Here, you can store all the characters you create.

To create a new character, click "Create Character" on the right-hand side. Name your character (let's call this one "Nancy Lipo") and leave the next two options as they are. They set your character in a realistic style.

Choosing a Reference Image

When selecting a character reference, use a real face and make sure it's large and clear, at least 200 pixels wide. High-quality images work best. Avoid any facial obstructions like clothing, hair, sunglasses, or large jewellery. You can use real photos or AI-generated images.

I've chosen an image that performs well in video previews. Upload your image to Pix Verse and press "Create Character." It will take some time to process and train your image.

Writing Prompts

When creating a video, break down the prompts into three parts: subject, motion, and style. For example, you could write: "An attractive woman on a naval boat in uniform in the style of Wes Anderson, red and blue tones, water moving, wind blowing, boat rocking, tripod shot." This describes the scene, the visual style, and the motion.

Setting Prompt Options

Make sure to select "Character" in the prompt window. Use the "Auto Character Prompt" to enhance the quality of your video. You can also use the "Negative Prompt" to specify what you don't want in your scene. Select your character from the dropdown menu and choose the aspect ratio. Leave the "Seed" option as is unless you want to recreate a similar video later.

Once your settings are ready, click "Create." Pix Verse can create four videos at once, each slightly different. You can try different settings and see which one works best.

Getting the Most Out of Pix Verse

Pix Verse videos are 4 seconds long, which might seem short, but remember, modern films often change shots every 2-3 seconds. This is enough to create compelling stories.

Some other AI tools, like OpenAI's Sorum, might create longer videos, but they are very expensive and not available to the public yet. Sorum also has strict content rules, unlike Pix Verse, which is more flexible.

Analyzing the Different Video Outputs

After creating your videos, you can see how different settings affect the outcome. Even small changes can make a big difference. It's good to experiment and find what works best for your story.

Motion That Works Well

AI video excels at animating certain things. Water, rain, wind, reflections, and shadows work especially well. For example, animating water can add a realistic touch to your video. Cinemagraphs, which are still photos with minor movements, can also be very effective.

Consider adding at least one of these elements to every video. You can find inspiration on sites like or Giphy.

By understanding and using these tips, you can get the most out of Pix Verse and create amazing AI videos. Enjoy creating!

Experimenting with Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs are a great way to add a touch of magic to your videos. They are still images with small, repeated movements, making them feel alive.

Here are a few tips for creating effective cinematography:

  1. Focus on Subtle Movements: Choose elements like flowing water, flickering lights, or gently blowing hair. These subtle movements can make your video feel more dynamic without being overwhelming.

  2. Use High-Quality Images: The better the quality of your base image, the better your cinematograph will look. Ensure your images are clear and detailed.

  3. Loop the Movement Smoothly: Make sure the movement loops seamlessly. This makes the cinematography more pleasing to watch and prevents any jarring transitions.

Examples of Effective Cinemagraphs

  • Water: Waves crashing on the shore or a river flowing gently can add a soothing effect to your video.

  • Wind: Hair blowing in the wind or leaves rustling in a breeze can bring a scene to life.

  • Fire and Smoke: Flames flickering or smoke curling upwards can create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

  • Reflections and Shadows: Reflections in water or shadows moving with the light can add depth and realism.

Creating Your Video

Now that you have your character and prompts set up, it's time to create your video. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Upload Your Reference Image: Make sure it meets all the requirements we discussed.

  2. Write Your Prompt: Include details about the scene, motion, and style.

  3. Set Your Options: Choose the character, aspect ratio, and other settings.

  4. Create the Video: Click “Create” and let Pix Verse do the work.

While the video is being created, think about the different elements you can animate to enhance your scene. Use the tips and ideas we've discussed to add subtle, effective animations.

Reviewing and Editing

Once your video is ready, review it carefully. Look for any areas that might need adjustment. Maybe the motion isn’t quite right, or the style needs tweaking. Don’t be afraid to go back and adjust your prompts or settings. Creating a great video is often a process of trial and error.

Final Thoughts

Creating AI videos with consistent characters can be a fun and rewarding process. By using tools like Pix Verse, you can bring your creative visions to life. Remember to experiment with different prompts and settings, and don’t be afraid to try new things. With practice, you'll get better at using the tool and creating videos that stand out.


AI video creation is an exciting new field with endless possibilities. Whether you're making videos for fun, for a project, or even for professional purposes, tools like Pix Verse can help you create stunning, consistent characters and scenes. Keep experimenting, keep learning, and most importantly, have fun with the process. Happy creating!

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